Thursday 11 July 2013

Mandela Day - The Legacy Continues

Mandela Day has been celebrated for the past 4 years, yet there are many South Africans who do not fully understand why we celebrate this day or how it originated. Let me illuminate you…

Mandela Day is on the day of our former president, Mr Nelson Mandela’s birthday. In 2008 it was decided that Madiba’s birthday would be celebrated yearly in-order to carrying on his legacy. For 67 years, Mr Mandela sacrificed his life to fight for the rights of humanity. Therefore on Mandela Day, 18 July every year, South Africans are asked to give 67minutes of their time to do good for others. South Africans can do this by supporting charities or serving their local communities.

The main objective of this day is to inspire everyday individuals to do their part in changing the world for the better, build global movements for good and ultimately empower communities countrywide. 

The United Nations have officially adopted Mandela Day as “Nelson Mandela International Day” on 10 November 2009. This resolution was made unanimously with the support of all UN member states and co-sponsorship of over 165 members from all regions of the world. Representing the overwhelming support of the entire international community, this hopefully signals the beginning of greater involvement by the global community in this good initiative.

Individuals, communities, businesses, non-governmental organisations and government departments can get involved easily – all that is needed is for you to donate 67 minutes of your day towards a good cause. 

Some of the partners include the Nelson Mandela Foundation which, through the Centre of Memory and Dialogue programmes, helps form a just society by promoting the values, vision and work of Nelson Mandela. Another partner, 46664 has expanded its focus to include all areas of Mr Mandela’s humanitarian legacy and confronting issues of social justice with its goal of creating global HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.

As South Africans we are all grateful to Madiba for what he has accomplished and how much he sacrificed for equal rights in our country. Let’s show our appreciation together and give 67 minutes (or more) of our time to make sure the legacy is carried on!

Written By: Marleen Theunissen
Creative writer at ATKA SA

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